Friday 20 May 2011


I'm still holding onto the last few moments of being a student. Which sadly entails a long bus journey to Huddersfield from Rochdale and vice versa. It's a long journey which has only one supporting factor; the scenery. I never said it was a good supporting factor. Whilst I stood in line for the bus I began to think about how much of our time we spend waiting. It's not as though we generally enjoy waiting for things to happen. I surely did not find anything productive to do when I was waiting in the queue for my bus to arrive. I'd much rather have been sat on the bus listening to music or better still sat in front of the tv with my mum watching crappy soaps. Obviously there are more serious things to wait for such as hospital treatment, whether we go that job we longed for or that moment when life actually makes sense (I'm still waiting for this...will I ever be normal??)

Life should be fun. That's my outlook on the world. So I've thought of the things I hate waiting for, but these aren't serious, tear jerking subjects. Just random events/scenarios/etc that occur throughout everyday life.

The Toilet
There is nothing worse than waiting for the toilet. Whether its to pee or poo it seriously feels like the world is about to end during those few moments when you have to wait. Queueing while you are in a bar isn't too bad, you've usually had a few and can chat with friends whilst you wait. When you are at home and you are waiting for your sister (or whoever) to finish taking a dump/have a shower/spread their faeces across the walls it is a different story. Those long minutes whilst you wriggle and squirm in hope that you can make to the toilet are pure torture!!

Text Back!
The title says it all. I think everybody is guilty of sometimes not texting back right away. You've just not made your mind up yet, simply can't be bothered or are a bit busy at the time. All reasons I've had in the past. When it is you waiting for the reply however it can be really annoying. I've sometimes wished an evil army of flying monkeys on my friends when they don't text me back! Sorry guys, I do it too I know!

I'm 23. I still get excited. It's not about the presents as much anymore, I like the general atmosphere and people are always a whole lot friendly at this time of year. (Accept for people who shop in supermarkets. Seriously get a grip, the store is only shut for 2 days). It just takes so damn long for the day to arrive!

Sometimes I wish they'd tell you when they just have a month left to go. My sister seems to have been pregnant forver already and there are still 3 months to go!

Scream 4
I've never got that excited about a film before. It took forever for it to come out. A friend of mine has banned me from watching it again. Probably for the best.

There are those moments in life when I have thought I was actually going to drop dead on the spot because I have been that hungry. The worst time was on my Duke of Edinburgh Expedition. By the end of the day after living off squeezy cheese and pitta bread rations I was on the verge of a mental break down. I'm the guy who's mood is governed by my hunger. If I'm being snappy and quiet I've not got male pms, just give me a chocolate bar and I'll be you BFF!!

I'm sure people can think of far better and funnier ones but I'm about to watch a film (not Scream 4, I think my mum will be imposing that ban too when I move home for summer!)

Word of the Day: Benevolence
Quote of the Day: 'It's not whether you get knocked down, it's whether you get up.' Vince Lombardi

1 comment:

  1. you know who Vince Lombardi is?? nice!! :D
