Sunday 8 May 2011

Old People

My mind has a tendency to wonder when I'm at work. This does not mean I'm not doing my job, it's so monotonous that I can let my mind go to some strange places and still get my work done! I meet a lot of old people at work. Now obviously no two old people are the same, but I think there are two strong personality types that I come across frequently. I've decided to name them Albus Dumbledore and Victor Meldrew.   

Albus Dumbledore
The Albus Dumbledore (which I have based on the character from Harry Potter) is the cheery old person who still has a mischievous twinkle in their eyes. The reason I am drawn to this type of old person is because they remember what it was like to be younger and can happily relate and talk to the younger generations. This type of old person sees the fun in life and does not view new trends as a threat. They enjoy conversations with almost anyone and are very non judgmental. Think Grandma with a blackberry! 

Victor Meldrew
The Victor Meldrew (which I have based on the character from One Foot in the Grave) is the other old person I notice is quiet common. Miserable, moaning and moody. The dreaded 3 Ms. These old people are set in their ways, view change as a threat and think the old ways were better. Obviously I am sympathetic with their fear towards new fads and technology to a certain extent. It is more their attitude towards others, especially younger generations. I totally agree with having respect for your elders. Relationships work both ways however, so respect for your youngsters shouldn't be overlooked. Approach these with caution! They are likely to hit you with their walking stick and hurt your ears with a tirade of moaning.

I know everybody has a reason for why they are the way they are. I strive to be nice and understand everyone. Through my experiences with Old People I hope I become an Albus Dumbledore and not a dreaded Victor Meldrew! 

I guess this counts as my Random Thought of the Day!

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