Friday 6 May 2011

The beginning

Boredom. In case you are weird enough to have found this and are wondering what made me create this blog. That and a strange companion I have made at university suggested I make one. The main aim of this blog is me telling you (some spot face geek who's having a break from COD) all about my attempts at leading a normal life. 

I am generally very boring. The highlight of today was being sick in the toilet then taking a huge dump on top of it. Disgusting I'll grant you, but not very interesting. 

I considered doing a word of the day, random thought of the day or guilty confession of the day. Ultimately I chose to do all three because I couldn't pick just one.

Word of the Day: Minge. I have to start with something inappropriate and after hearing my friend say 'sweaty minge' on the phone to her mum TWICE, it seemed the most fitting. 

Random Thought of the Day: Does the mop in my kitchen talk to everyone or am I the chosen one?

Guilty Confession of the Day: I picked my nose and ate it 5 minutes ago. 


  1. Hahahahaha LOVE the blog..... please do them again! xxx

  2. Haha this just made me giggle. You have to keep this blog's rather entertaining :-) xx
