Friday 6 May 2011

5 things I could do now I'm no longer a student

It's time to start thinking like a grown up. I keep telling myself this and eventually it'll catch on. The days of rolling into lectures after a heavy drinking session and trying to get essays done with the deadline hours away are over. So it's time to think about the future and where I want to take my life. Here is a list of my top 5 options, not only for me but others who are in a similar situation!

5 Join the Circus

A little odd I'll grant you. The variety of career opportunities are pretty impressive, so this can't be overlooked. From fire breathing to contortionist, the circus offers plenty of different career paths. Plus Cirque du Soliel travels all over the world.

Pros - So many career options to choose from
        - A job where travelling is expected
Cons - You need to have developed the skills to perform such acts. Somehow if I was to embark on this option I think it is highly likely I would be maimed by a lion or set myself on fire.

4 Become Ghostface

Yes I have a slightly worrying obsession with the Scream franchise. Just to note this is purely for entertainment purposes, I am not planning on butchering all my friends. This is not a confession or forewarning! Now that I've cleared that up, I have jokingly considered making my own scream film and pranking my friends.

Pros - Fame
Cons - Prison
         - I'd have no friends left (well they'd all be dead!)
         - By merely writing and joking about this I can expect a nice padded cell to live in any day now

3 Pursue a career that involves elements of my degree

For me this would mean becoming a Psychologist, Therapist, Councellor etc. Potentially well paid jobs! After three years of attempting to gain a psychological insight on the world I can see the appeal of pursuing this option further.

Pros - You worked three years to get your degree....use it?!
        - Good $$$
        - Crazy people are interesting

Cons - Potentially more time in education
         - Did you really work hard for those three years?!
         - Crazy people can be dangerous

2 Marry someone rich

Yes, this does sound potentially very shallow. However this avenue can not be overlooked. Whilst I'm still young I should consider the option of pursuing who has a big bank account. Who knows, I may fall madly in love with them. If not, I'll be sure the pre nup was a cushy deal on my behalf.

Pros - $$$$ (need I say more?)

Cons - I'm not going to be young forver...the rich lover may invest in a younger model as my wrinkles set in
1    2012!!

The apocolypse is fast approaching (apparently). Perhaps my best option is to prepare for this and increase my chances of living in a post apocolyptic world.

Pros - I will survive the apolypse

Cons - It's probably not going to happen!

1 comment:

  1. I think you the options you have suggested are very well fitting....the Scream idea sounds fun however if you want to have friends by the end I suggest you don´t pursue this choice. As for the Psychologist career choice it may be worth it dude and although you may not have put all that much effort in you have done very well, as fir the crazy people you would fit in rather well so therefore they would not be a danger to you :-) xx
