Sunday 29 May 2011

Annoying phrases

My job at the Supermarket isn't the most challenging of jobs. So my mind tends to wonder. A colleague said a passing comment which got my thinking and the result is this blog! Phrases that are annoying or just don't really make sense when you think about them!

'Smile, it might never happen'
This is what was said to me yesterday at work. It's such a silly comment! Firstly, you are mistaking the look on my face as miserable when it may in fact just be my normal relaxed expression! Also if I am worrying or upset about something that could happen. I may have been upset that I am unlikely to win the how the hell am I supposed to smile if you tell me it may never happen?!!

'Patience is a virtue'
Obviously I am a slightly impatient person. My waiting blog should be a clear indicator that patience is something I lack. Who decided patience is a virtue? Why do I have to have it as one of mine? I'm sorry, patience is not one of my virtues!

'Get a grip'
I use this sometimes. However if you think about it, what does it actually mean? Get a grip of what? It doesn't make sense!

'Can do/If you want'
This one is directed at my indecisive friends, one in particular especially. 'Do you want to watch this film?' 'Do you want this for tea?' 'Do you want to do this?' 'Can do'.
Yes I know we can do, but I asked if you want to! It doesn't answer my question. 
'If you want'. Clearly I want to, that's why I've asked if you want to as well! 
This isn't just a dig at YOU, all the other people who say this...come on guys make a decision! It won't kill you (well unless I've asked you if you want to jump off a bridge with me, but if that's the case it means I've finally fully lost in white coats!). 

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