Sunday 5 June 2011

Philosophical Drunks

Last month I discussed the various types of drunk people I have both come across and behaved like myself. It occurred to me last night that I missed a very important one from this list. The Philosophical Drunk! How many of us have gotten into deep conversations about different elements of life? I love the whole concept of philosophy. Questions like 'Is the colour I perceive as blue the same as your blue?' or 'Does bacon taste the same for me as it does for you?' fascinate me. 

Perhaps it is more due to my personality and the people I associate with as to why I find myself entering philosophical conversations whilst I am drunk. Last night the topic was culture and racism. Thankfully it occurred to both myself and my friend that the conversation was taking a serious turn and we abruptly ended. Perhaps this  was a wrong move on our behalf as we both proceeded to cause a surprising amount of mischief with a pork pie. I won't even begin to discuss what happened to the piece of birthday cake...

This has not always been the case. I have one friend who my friends dread me meeting up with on a night out because we can spend hours discussing random philosophical crap. I think I have righted the world more times than I can count or sadly remember whilst under the influence of alcohol. Herein lies the problem. Whilst alcohol has led to myself and probably many others having deep philosophical conversations we probably forget half of what was said the next morning! So alcohol is both facilitating and prohibiting our chances of a better life! Although I guess this is not something we didn't already know. In future I am going to record my drunken philosophical conversations because at the time I know I am convinced I have all the answers. I'll probably be in for a shock when I discover how much utter shit I chat!!

Word of the Day: Evolution

Quote of the Day: 'The purpose of life is a life of purpose' Robert Bryne

Guilty confession of the Day: A middle aged woman purchased around twenty 'romantic' novels from the supermarket I work in. I was so close to informing her that she would be better off investing in a 'toy' as this would save her both time and money. I refrained from doing so, not out of politeness but because I still need that job!

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