Friday 10 June 2011


Tattoos are something that always intrigue me. When people get it right they look really cool in my eyes but when they get it wrong... Here's someone who probably will regret this in a few years time. The nob in question has had the profile picture of each of her Facebook friends tattooed all over her arm. She had 152 friends. Well not that it's a popularity conquest but I currently have 600 friends. I think I'd have to give up more than one arm to copy her. Like a dog, a tattoo is for life...not just Christmas. When people do stuff like this I think they should just have Dick Head tattooed across their forehead. But that's just my opinion, perhaps when she's 60 she won't regret it.

Plus I know for a fact that whilst I have met all of my 600 friends I don't know them all that well and probably won't see some of them ever again! (although I'm due another friend cull, I was upto nearly 750 and got down to 550 earlier this year...I'm everybodies mate when I'm pissed I swear!) So she must have people on her arm who are just 'randoms'. What a nob!!

Word of the Day: Proficiency 

Quote of the Day: 'The Imagination imitates. It is the critical spirit that creates.' Oscar Wilde 

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