Monday 13 June 2011


I'm not sure if anyone actually does this when reading my blog (if anybody does) but you can click on 'next blog' at the top of this page and it brings you to another random blog. I occasionally do this, initially to see what other people blog about. The two main things I continually come across are artists showing their latest pieces of work and family blogs where 'The Robinsons' tell us what they go up to this weekend. I do like to have a bit of a gander at some of the art but don't really read much of the family stuff. The family ones are mostly American, I guess it must be a big thing over there. I also come across a lot of foreign blogs, I occasionally translate them but they are generally art, photography, music or film based.

As time progressed I started doing this in hope I would find something that was similar to my own blog. I can't say that I have, but I have come across the odd funny blog that I chose to 'follow'. I also have to admit I've started following a woman who puts up here latest take on recipes. Mainly because her last blog was about Enchilda Lasagne. You are right up my street pet! Well I'll have to exclude the sweetcorn from the recipe as those of you who know me must be aware that I'm allergic!! The three Deadly S's (Sweetcorn, Suncream and Salmon). 

I came across one by a girl who lives in London, her last post was in January and she was having a rant about London Bus Drivers. I found it quiet amusing but two things stopped me from following. Firstly it appears she has given up on her blog. More importantly she sounded like a complete chav and her grammar and writing was atrocious. Not that mine is great or that I am a snob but I could only cope with reading so much of-: 'So I got on da bus n asked if he cud let me on for free. The prik lookd at me lyk I waz a piece of shit n sed no. I waz so mad n I ad 2 get to the doctors coz it waz important'. Sure thing love, those crabs won't get rid of themselves. (What I found really aggravating about it was the fact that blogger has it's own spell check. Whilst it is American, it's still better than having to read chav talk!)

Part of my searching for other blogs similar to mine is due to my complex I have about being weird. The whole blog is themed on my quest for normality so I guess it is understandable. Although it does make me somewhat happy that so far none of the other blogs offer personal twists on weird news and provide philosophical ramblings on many aspects of life. So I should be proud to be an individual I guess. I was hoping that eventually I would write a blog called 'The End' in which I had finally succeeded in  becoming a normal person. I therefore would no longer need to post random babblings on the internet. Alas I feel that I will never be normal and furthermore have grown rather attached to this blog so don't particularly want to!

Word of the Day: Kindred

Quote of the Day: 'I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.' Kurt Cobain

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