Monday 13 June 2011

Human Cows...

I found this article today. Scientists in Argentina have genetically engineered a cow to produce milk that will closely resemble human milk by adding two human genes to her genetic make up. They named her Rosita. So the big debate with genetic engineering is sure to be brought up yet again. I personally think it's a good thing what they have done. I'm about to throw out some feminist psychological waffle, but here goes. There is immense pressure both by the NHS and society as a whole for new mothers to breast feed. My friends have recalled personal experiences were nurses and midwives have been less than understanding when they struggle to get their newborn baby to breast feed. Obviously if people are finding it easy then they are best off doing this. But whatever the mother eats and drinks will have an impact upon their child. So that Lamb Rogan Josh from the night before is probably going to give the new nipper one hell of a tummy ache! Also for the mothers who struggle to get their baby to breast feed face the potential stress of feeling inadequate as a mother which can ultimately lead to issues such as the baby blues and even PND. There is also so argument that breast feeding improves the bond between mother and child. To be honest, I wasn't breast fed and I have a perfectly sound relationship with my mother now. Although maybe that is why I am less than normal?

So here is an easier option for those who wish to have that curry on a Friday night! The big question is what next? I'm a bit of a geek and watched all sorts of Sci-Fi programmes when I was younger so my imagination is running wild! Half human half Lion people? Liomans!! Making 'Superhumans' by giving them all the good qualities of other species such as vision, agility, speed, strength, reflexes etc? Well I'm sure a lot of people will be against that but I personally think that sounds AMAZING! 

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