Friday 10 June 2011

The perfect gift?

In just over 2 months time my sister is due to have a baby. My parent's first grandchild and my first niece! I'm very excited. One predicament I have is what to buy. Obviously I'll open my wallet and purchase clothes and other various things. My big issue with this is none of them are sentimental. I want a gift that means something and in theory will last forever. One idea was to buy a bottle of whiskey that she could have when she is 18. I decided that this was a bad idea. The two reasons for this are a) maybe she won't be a drinker b) me and her mother will probably guzzle it down before she turns 18.
Today I had a genius idea. Well I think it is. I got paid today (drinks are not on me this weekend) so was looking at children's books on Amazon. Mostly to buy for my niece but I have a habit of collecting children's books. Well books in general but I still enjoy Roald Dahl every once in a while. That is when it hit me. I can make her a children's book! I'm bored, I enjoy writing and it means I can create a gift that in theory will be sentimental. I've got a 2 month deadline so it'll be reminiscent of being at uni! I've hit a bit of a drought with work at the moment so I actually miss writing essays.
I don't want to divulge too much information as I want the details to be a surprise. Plus it could be a masterpiece that will change the future of children's books and I don't want someone to steal my ideas! Probably not. I realise that as I am writing for a child I have to omit referecnes to poo and farts. Which ruined my original idea of having the flying whale shit on the dragon to put out his flames. I've had to settle on him spouting water on the flames instead. It will also feature a magical cat who will in no way be anything like my cat who is a bitch that kills innocent birds and meows repeatedly. I don't understand what you want you stupid cat! The new and improved cat doesn't kill birds, can speak English and can also fly.
The biggest set back to this story is the drawings. Yes as it is a children's book it needs pictures. I'm an adequate drawer but it needs to be perfect. I have many artistic friends who I could ask but I want this to be all my own work. One of my problems with drawing is patience, I want it done quickly. For once I will attempt to be patient and hopefully be able to produce something that is in league with the works of Picasso.This 2 month deadline is going to be interesting! 

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